5 Free Funnels of eLaunchers

by | Advertisement, Marketing

Dear Friend & Fellow Business Owner,

Hi, Parthiv Shah and Clate Mask here with some exciting news and details on an AMAZING FREE GIFT.

First the news…

In November 2021 I attended/sponsored two Keap conferences Keap PKON and Keap IKON. I had the luxury of meeting Keap CEO Clate Mask for an hour, and I had to tell him this:

“Clate, COVID economy is behind us. My business is growing and I am grateful for my relationship with Keap. I am doing well now. How can I return the favor? What can I do for YOU, Clate?

With a warm hug, Clate congratulated me and said this:

Parthiv, if you want to do something for me, do something for small businesses. Help them grow. Show them how they can use Keap to grow their business just like you grew eLaunchers.com.

I spent countless hours at the conference with Keap employees and other partners going over the ‘new and improved Keap’, the new user interface, the powerful functionalities and came to the following conclusion:

Keap can be the Growth Engine that every business can use. Keap ROCKS! Keap is A.B.C.D. (Any Business Can Do).

This is a remarkable development that can help ANY business grow with Keap as their growth engine.

Keap is very easy to use for your staff as a CRM for phone calls and follow ups. Second, with all the new development added to the software, the system is functional out of the box for email marketing, text marketing and telephone marketing. Plus with hundreds of integrations already built in, you can automate other parts of your marketing… example: sending custom printed greeting cards with brownies and personalized water bottle through automatedprintandship.com.

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Picture2But here is the REAL exciting news. Keap has its own internal landing pages/funnel building tool that is included in the software at no charge. This means, you have a very powerful software that can build headline-driven opt in pages, sales pages, upsell offers and other funnel pages inside Keap, without needs to integrate Keap to other landing page building software, strategies and so on are a direct outgrowth of Dan Kennedy’s Direct Response Marketing teachings.

In other words, Keap is a turnkey locked and loaded, user-friendly tech platform IDEAL to deliver Dan Kennedy style direct response marketing messages, follow up, and make sales. Keap is MY tool of choice for implementing Dan Kennedy’s Magnetic Marketing concepts.

Proven Funnels Capture Leads – Shorten The Sales Cycle & Eliminate Guesswork

While I have over 400 funnels in my various software accounts, I routinely rely on just five of those funnels to capture leads, create engagement, and transform prospects who look, into clients who buy.

Those five funnels came about as the result of HUNDREDS of split tests and several years of upgrading, discarding, improving, and perfecting until results were consistently excellent.

Layout, headlines, photos, graphics, copy: we tested everything. And tweaked everything until the results proved we finally got it right.

In other words, we tested and tweaked until the funnels consistently produced ENGAGEMENT THAT LEADS TO MEANINGFUL CONVERSATIONS, often resulting in a prospect becoming a client.

Results tell the story…

In 2019 I won the prestigious Two Comma Award for doing over $1-Million dollars in business in one year from the Magnetic Marketing style book funnel Dan designed to give away (or sell) a book. To date, these funnels have generated over five million dollars in revenue for my own business and they are still active today!

By actively sending traffic, that book funnel, along with 4 others I use to grow eLaunchers (and help clients grow their businesses), those funnels, the Funnels of eLaunchers, have generated more than $5-million dollars in sales for my company over the last several years, and even more for clients.

The Five Funnels of eLaunchers Include

1. The eLaunchers FREE REPORT Funnel: The #1 lesson in Dan Kennedy’s Magnetic Marketing is to show up bearing a gift. The Free Report Funnel accomplishes that task.

Create a free report that answers burning questions a prospect may have. Offer that report for free in exchange for contact information. And you open the door to having a meaningful conversation with a prospect clearly interested in solving the kind of problem you solve.

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2. The eLaunchers Two Comma Award Winning FREE BOOK Funnel: This funnel was designed by Dan Kennedy to CAPTURE LEADS, CREATE ENGAGMENT, EDUCATE THE PROSPECT ABOUT THE PRODUCT, AND TO GET THEM TO WANT IT, so they ask you, instead of you chasing them.

This is a perfect funnel to give away or sell a book. And if you have no book, you can create a free report about a book and use the funnel to capture leads by giving that away.

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3. The eLaunchers MEET PARTHIV Funnel: The ‘MEET’ funnel is populated with everything you want a prospect to know: who you are, what you do, and more. PLUS, a calendar that enables a prospect to BOOK A CALL with you right there on the spot.

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4. The eLaunchers ASK PARTHIV Funnel: Prospects always have questions. This funnel gives them a direct pipeline to identify themselves as a prospect, ask their question, and begin a conversation with you.

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5. The eLaunchers PARTHIV LOVES REFERRALS Funnel: Often a happy customer or client is happy to make a referral – especially is there is a FAST, EASY and CONVENIENT way to do so. The “________” Loves Referrals funnel makes referring you to anyone as simple as sharking a link in an email.

It doesn’t take many referrals to turn into business. Every year I get three or four new clients through this referral funnel.

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When Clate asked me to bring Keap to small and not-so-small business owners, I Asked my mentor Dan Kennedy For Advice…

Being a long-time Keap fan and a Dan Kennedy Private Client, I asked Dan how I could help past, current and future Keap users get the most out of their Keap experience.

Dan is familiar with The Funnels of eLaunchers, which are based entirely on Magnetic Marketing principles. And, being a Private Client, he has reviewed and critiqued our funnel copy.

Dan’s advice…

“Parthiv”, he said….

“You have five well-done Magnetic Marketing style funnels that do exactly what they are designed to do. So, if you want to make a difference, if you want to provide REAL VALUE, my advice is to GIVE THOSE 5 FUNNELS AWAY.”

“Give it ALL away, the funnels, the copy you used to do over $5-million in sales, the graphics, everything. And Parthiv, give it away absolutely FREE. With NO STRINGS ATTACHED.”

“In fact, to make it so easy they can be up and running fast. Have one of your tech experts INSTALL THE FUNNELS and the companion marketing automation campaign in their Keap account and make sure everything works.”

I always follow Dan Kennedy’s advice. So, with that in mind, I am pleased to offer you what may soon become known as…

The Most Incredible Digital Gift Ever

True to Dan’s advice, I am happy to offer you, absolutely free with no strings attached, all 5 eLaunchers funnels, including default graphics, layout, and copy. And to make the good even better, my operations team will install those funnels for you in your Keap account. You can take these funnels with companion campaign and customize to suite your business.

Your funnels include the FREE BOOK funnel. The FREE REPORT funnel. The ASK “your name” funnel. The “your name” Loves REFERRALS Funnel. And the MEET “your name” funnel.

These funnels have generated millions of dollars in business for my company. And millions more for my clients’ businesses. They generate appointments practically every day.

And they are yours absolutely free.

The funnel copy is copy I used and continue to use today to generate leads, create engagement and get people to contact me about my services.

With this Dan Kennedy approved, tested and proven copy as your guide, you will be able to adapt copy to your business, and with a little work, have five powerful funnels ready capture leads, create engagement and get good prospects to contact you.

If you want help with the copy, graphic design, technology implementation or database administration, let us know, and we will explain how to hire people that are right for you.

If you want these funnels up and running and working for you around the clock, but you don’t have a Keap account, when you call to accept this gift, let us know and we will help you buy Keap. In fact, you can visit www.justbuykeap.com and click on the big blue button to buy Keap now. Just pay for Keap and other software I recommend, everything else is FREE… unless you choose to hire someone to do the work for you.

With these five funnels, which are yours absolutely free, and with a special multi-month DEEP DISCOUNT to test the funnels and decide if you want to continue using Keap beyond the discount period, you have plenty of time to adapt the funnels to your business. Test them with real prospects. And get new clients.

That way you know for sure if this is right for you before you spend a single penny.

I’m sure you’ll agree, it just doesn’t get any better than that!

Your next step couldn’t be easier. Just Buy Keap. All my gifts are FREE forever!

There are three easy steps to YES and accept my gifts!

  1. Buy Keap now at www.justbuykeap.com. We will install our gifts in your account and show you how to use it.
  2. Go online to www.meetparthiv.com and schedule an appointment with me.
  3. Get to know Keap and begin implementing your marketing automaton system. If you need done-for-you implementation, we can talk about that too. Just ask me for help when you need it.

Just buy Keap and other software I recommend. My funnels and the automation campaign are yours FREE. Come HOME to Keap and accept the Most Incredible Digital Gift Ever – The 5 Funnels of eLaunchers that have generated multiple seven-figure sales revenue. And you’d like them installed in your account ASAP.

That’s it. Buy Keap now. And you’ll be on your way!

One more thing…

If there’s ever anything I can do for you, just reach out. I am happy to help. And happy to answer questions about building responsive lists, tech, direct response marketing, how I help clients systematically and dependably grow their business, or anything else.

Sincerely and all the best,

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Parthiv Shah

PS – If you want these funnels working for you so you benefit sooner rather than later, go ahead and call the office at 301.760.3953. We will get you on my schedule – and make the magic happen!

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