Marketing & Social Media Planning (2025 Q1)

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The following is a curated list of nationally recognized months, weeks, and days to aid you in the development and planning of your social media and/or marketing campaigns.

If you are looking for a more detailed list with information about each of the recognized month/weeks/days visit the National Day Calendar website. These are for the NEXT quarter.


Month of…

World Health Esteem Month
National Blood Donor Month
National Bath Safety Month

Week of..

Celebration of Life week (First week in January)
Diet Resolution Week (First Week in January)
National Mocktail Week (Second Week in January)
National Healthy Weight Week (Third week in January)
National CRNA Week (last week in January)

Day of…

  • National Play Outside Day
    (First Saturday of EVERY Month)
  • National KETO Day (January 5)
  • National Winter Skin Relief Day (January 8)
  • National Pharmacist Day (January 12)
  • National without a Scalpel Day
    (January 16)
  • Get to Know Your Customers Day
    (Third Thursday of Each Quarter)
  • Celebration of Life Day (January 22)
  • National Sanctity of Human Life Day (January 22)


Month of..

National Cancer Prevention Month
National Fasting February
National Heart Month
National Hot Breakfast Month
National Children’s Dental Health Month
National Self-Check Month
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
American Heart Month

Week of…

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Week (February 13-18)
Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week (February 7-14)
National Feeding Tube Awareness Week (First Full Week in February)
National Patient Recognition Week (First Week in February)
National School Counseling Week (first Full School Week in February)
National Burn Awareness Week (First full Week in February)
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Education Week (February 14 – 21)
National Eating Disorder Awareness Week (Begins Last Monday in February)
African Heritage and Health Week (first Week in February)
Women’s Heart Week (First Week in February)

Day of…

  • National Play Outside Day (First Saturday of EVERY Month)
  • National Women Physicians Day (February 3)
  • National Toothache Day (February 9)
  • National Organ Donor Day (February 14)
  • National Random Acts of Kindness Day (February 17)
  • National Grain-Free Day (February 21)
  • National Caregivers Day
    (Third Friday in February)
  • Anosmia Awareness Day (February 27)
  • National Tooth Fairy Day (February 28)
  • Rare Disease Day USA
    (Last Day in February)


Month of..

Red Cross Month
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
National Cerebral Palsy Awareness month
National Brain Injury Awareness Month
National Breast Implant Awareness Month
National Athletic Training Month
Endometriosis Awareness Month
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month
National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
National Kidney Month
National Trisomy Awareness Month
National Social Work Month
National Caffeine Awareness Month
National Nutrition Month

Week of…

Dental Assistant Recognition Week (First Full Week in March)
World Claucoma Week (Second Full Week in March)
National Physicians Week (March 25-31)
Brain Awareness Week (Changes Annually)
National Inhalants and Poisons Awareness Week (Third Week in March)
Endometriosis Awareness Week (First Week in March: Mon-Sun)

Day of…

  • Self-Injury Awareness Day (March 1)
  • National Play Outside Day
    (First Saturday of EVERY Month)
  • National Multiple Personality Day (March 5)
  • National Dentist’s Day (March 6)
  • National Hospitalist Day (March 7)
  • National Women & Girls HIV/AIDS
    Awareness Day (March 10)
  • National Dermatologist Day (March 13)
  • National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
    Day (Second Wednesday in March)
  • National Certified Nurses Day (March 19)
  • National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
    (March 20)
  • National Memory Day (March 21)
  • Epilepsy Awareness Day – Purple Day
    (March 26)
  • American Diabetes Association Alert Day
    (Fourth Tuesday in March)
  • National Triglycerides Day (March 28)
  • National Doctors Day (March 30)
  • National Take a Walk in the Park Day
    (March 30)


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